The Weekly Planets and Stars

Could Sagittarius be Cupid? The Weekly Planets and Stars – February 13-19, 2012 Monday, February 13 It’s an odd start to the week with lots going on.  Today Mercury, the communicator, trines Saturn, now retrograde.  Mercury also conjuncts (joins) Neptune as it enters Pisces.  Mercury is about clear communication while Pisces tends to live in…

The Weekly Planets and Stars

By LJ Innes Another New Year, Another New Beginning We tend to make our New Year’s Resolutions, of course, on New Year’s, but sometimes the follow-through on those resolutions isn’t always supported by the universe.  Sure you can make anything happen at any time, but some of us, like me, need a little extra push…

Mercury Retrograde and Holiday Shopping

By  LJ Innes Could the current Mercury retrograde be hampering your online and offline holiday shopping?  Whether you’re a student of astrology or just someone with a passing interest in the planets and their effect on our lives, Mercury retrograde is nothing to scoff at. Mercury is the planet of communication.  A few times a…