The Weekly Planets and Stars – October 1, 2012

A big astrological week is in store for everyone – I must apologize for being late with the weekly forecast, but I’m in the middle of moving, and life’s a little crazy – actually I’m just packing now, but soon I’ll be moving and that may delay a post or two but I’ll do my best to keep up.  Thanks for your readership and your patience.  And by the way, there was nothing major to report for Monday – you didn’t miss a thing.

Tuesday – October 2

Venus the planet of love and beauty forms a great angle to Saturn the karmic planet.  This suggests that you may have a proposal to ponder or a question to mull over about a relationship of some sort.  It’s a good day for such decisions especially while Saturn is still in partnership-oriented Libra – this week it moves into Scorpio.  If you’re having trouble with a decision, I always suggest a list – good points on one side, bad points on the other side.  The list is best done as opposed to thinking it over too much.  Whatever side is longer … there’s your answer.

Wednesday – October 3

Venus enters Virgo – You know how I love my Venus transits.  While in motion Venus seems to drop the veil between our dreams and reality – this can be can be a fun time to get out and flirt and have a little fun – and if you’re a Virgo, it’s the best time to change your hairstyle or buy something new – but it can also be a time when our daydreams make us lose our grip on reality.  That’s especially auspicious today as Venus opposes Neptune in daydreaming Pisces.  You make think someone is more awesome/hot/smart/into you than they really are.  If you’re going to spread the love today in celebration of Venus’ transit, make sure you spread most of it on yourself.  Do what’s best for you personally, not just what feels good in the moment.

Thursday – October 4

Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini.  It’s going to be 120 days of introspection and getting a gauge on where you’ve been and where you’re going with certain relationships, not just romantic – this means friends, neighbors, etc.  Gemini rules the third house of communications, connections and siblings and also short distance travel.  Look for my blog on for more on the Jupiter retrograde – it’ll probably be published this week if it’s not posted already (I don’t control that).

Mercury and Saturn also hook up and merge today.  They join in Libra and stick together through their transition on the Friday into Scorpio.  Right now and for a while, they are joined at the hip.    Mercury equals communication and Saturn is the karma planet and since they’re joining in relationship-oriented Libra, the words said to a lover today will have a deep impression that is likely to last.

Friday – October 5

Mercury and Saturn move into watery, secretive Scorpio.  Mercury forms a good connection with Neptune in Pisces (another water sign).  You might feel inspired to write a love letter – but on the other side of it, keep some stuff close to your vest – don’t reveal all of your secrets.  Mysterious is what Scorpio does best.

Saturday – October 6

Mars the warrior enters Sagittarius the archer.  It may be difficult to get things and people pinned down while the energy ramps up.  Sagittarius likes to be free to roam the unexplored woods and Mars will only spur him on.  Then again, if you’re planning an outdoor rendezvous, you may have the time of your life.  Just try not to throw all of your caution to the wind.

Sunday – October 7

Mars is at a sharp angle to Neptune.  Remember what I said about Mercury and Neptune … secrets may come out and out of nowhere.  Are they yours, theirs, or someone else’s; that all depends on our chart.  If it’s possible to expect the unexpected, today would be e a good day to expect it.

Next Monday’s looking great for just about everyone as the Sun shines down on all of us through lucky Jupiter’s filter.  Have a great week.


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