Weekly Planets and Stars – April 2, 2012

Communication Lite

Tuesday – April 3

Venus enters Gemini – Venus in Gemini means that your communication with lovers and those close to you will flow easier.  It’s a lighthearted, social transit.  Anytime Venus makes a move, we get to see the many faces of love and envision new opportunities to manifest our dreams into reality.  Though communications will be heartfelt – reaching out to those who are special, wanting to spend time with them – they won’t be emotionally deep or heavy, but more lighthearted.  A flirtatious, bubbly air surrounds us, enhancing the joy we feel during spring fever.  Take love in and spread it around.

Wednesday – April 4

Mercury goes direct in Pisces.  (Always give retrogrades a few days outside of the beginning and end dates to make sure the air is clear of its influence.)  Communications now flow more freely.  Mercury in Pisces, until mid-April, is about expression over a wide spectrum, sort of giving the whole-picture feeling to communications rather than conveying specifics.  Communications spread more easily across channels as water, Pisces’ element, has no defined edges.  Intuition is enhanced.  (click here to read more on Examiner.com)

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