Silencing Your Inner Critic

Pessimists and Procrastinators

Everyone has an inner critic, even optimists, but unlike optimists who have learned the art of silencing their inner critic, pessimists keep their inner critic alive by constantly feeding it with negative thoughts and feelings of doubt. And soon the pessimist becomes a procrastinator—putting off their goals until it comes down to the wire.

So, how do you silence your inner critic? Can you really bolster yourself up and put duct tape over that nagging voice that keeps whispering doubt and criticism in your ear?

Good News and Not-So-Good News

In my quest to rid myself of my own inner critic, I was led to advice from everyone from Buddhists to psychologists and even some advice from writers and artists. Ha, it seems I’m not alone in my quest after all. That’s good news.

And now, the not-so-good news. The general consensus is that there is really no way to completely silence your inner critic—at least not immediately, but there is hope. […want to read more? click here]

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2 thoughts on “Silencing Your Inner Critic

  1. [ Smiles ] If we were unable to silence our inner critic we wouldn’t have been able to make an significant progress.

    Lovely article!

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