Your Career Forecast for June 2012

Put Your Dreams Into Action

With Mars still gaining momentum in hard-working Virgo, it’s a great time to gain a new career perspective and possibly some new skills. The next full Moon is a lunar eclipse which happens on the same day dreamy Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces (June 4). Retrograde Venus conjuncts the Sun (June 5), and then there’s the first of seven powerful Uranus-Pluto squares (June 24).

There’s a revolutionary spirit in the air. Be careful not to burn any bridges, but do have passion. Dare to dream about doing something you love. Think new career or a part-time job. Revisit the idea of a career life that better matches your dreams and possibly even reinvent yourself. The planets have scarcely been better aligned to guide you on that path. Not sure if you’re ready to charge ahead with your dreams? Talk with Psychic Nicholas ext. 5499 who can see what’s in the stars for you.

In addition to your Sun sign career forecast, read about your rising sign, too. Astrology can be a helpful guide in finding your career path.

To see the career forecast for your Sun sign click here.

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