Weekly Astral Update – Virgo Full Moon and the Crown of Stars

Tonight’s Full Moon is in Virgo, becoming exactly full at 3:26 pm EST.  Whenever we see a Full Moon we know the Sun (now in Pisces) is in the opposite sign of the Full Moon.   Pisces is intuitive, creative and likes to swim the realm of the unconventional occasionally.  Virgo is the embodiment of organized thought processes the sign of the determined hard worker.  If you’ve got some creative project you’re working on, this Full Moon will energize your creative spark.  The first part of creating is merely starting – doing and that’s the message for today – start, just do anything that will help you realize a dream and manifest a reality that is tailor made to your creative liking.   Unlike Tom Petty who tells us “The waiting is the hardest part,” when it comes to creative ideas and getting them off the ground, starting can be the hardest part.  Just do it.

This transit says – to hell with thinking and worrying; ignite that germinate that creative seed within you to do something different that will make big changes for you.  Start.  Just start.  And as Eric Francis (planetwaves.net) agreed with me in his column today, if writing is your thing than it all starts with a word.  Scribble, jot, note, even do some automatic writing if that’s possible for you.  Start now and work on it a little every day and pretty soon you’ll have enough material for a book or a website about whatever it you need to produce.

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

Several other planets are in creative Pisces now and one of them – Mercury – began its retrograde phase last Friday (the 23rd).  But what about my creative projects, you ask.  Actually if you’ve already started your project – painting, welding, glass blowing, writing, whatever it is – it’s a great time to go over what you’ve done so far and tweek your idea if need be or get inspired to create more.

“Crown of Stars” in Pisces

We now have a crown of stars in Pisces.  Typically in astrology if you have three or more planets in one sign it’s known as a stellium of stars – when there are five or more planets in one sign, it’s usually referred to as a crown of stars.  Right now we have the Sun, Mars, Mercury Venus and Neptune all in Pisces.  Next month on the 11th, a New Moon in Pisces joins the group making it a powerful New Moon – especially for creativity and spiritual endeavors.  If you would like to bring more of either of those into your life, now is the time to go after your desires (even in love).  Backed by the power of the planets, your search for the softer, more pleasing aspects of life have a good chance of coming into being in your life.  Mars and the Moon will both move into Aries on the 12th of March, but the Piscean energy will still prevail for quite a while.

In April we’ll see another “crown of stars” in Aries and the energy change – hopefully by then if you’ve been working on a special project, you’ll then be ready to present it to the world at least in its first stages.

Later this Week

As I mentioned in an earlier post the Venus-Neptune conjunction in early Pisces is one that’s made for love.  Dreamy Neptune and Loving Pisces  are magic together – so whether or not you missed your chance at feeling that romantic vibe in the air on Cupid’s day here’s another chance.  Actually this day is even more romantic than the Hallmark-style Valentine’s Day.  Light a couple of candles and you just may see some fireworks in the romance department.  Embrace love, and enjoy a night with someone special – start the weekend early.  Enjoy

Love and Starlight

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